Online Education- Will Rule the World?

“We need to bring learning to people instead of people learning.” – Elliot Masie
Learning is the crux of how we humans sustain and progress. While education has always been a significant weapon. The situations are not always as we hope; after all, this is a real-time world, and tragedies are a part of life. The present situation possesses a global epidemic leading to online education replacing offline classes.
Where the whole globe was caught in another part of the quitting world, education, jobs, and everything opted for a digital garden. Therefore, the necessity for an online presence was becoming a crucial element for anybody enrolled in this sector. As a result, it has completely revolutionised the game and things are improving day by day, but in a “switch on and off” manner. When it comes to brushing up on skills both online and offline classes have the same value. In addition, the learning process, whether online or offline, has its own set of consequences that force us to understand a large portion of what we know.
The Shift in Learning Mode
Internet usage has seen a tremendous surge in the form of video chats, video streaming, online classes, and online gaming since early 2020.
- A survey highlighted that 90% of Americans accepted that the internet has been essential to them.
- In the Video Usage Analysis Survey, 46.3% learned new things in life by both offline and online means. While the remaining, 38.8% believed online mediums helped them learn things and the proportion of offline learning in life was just 14.9%.
- The Statistics by Statista revealed that internet penetration in the United States is at approximately 91%.
- Similar to the Manual Survey results, when the audience was asked to choose among the two modes, 65.75% of respondents chose the ‘Online’ mode out of 946 responses received for the question.
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Is Online Education better than Offline?
Online education has gained a lot of attention in terms of low cost due to technological availability and the quality of instruction continues to evolve and enhance. Experts believe that learning online will become more of a norm and less of a novelty in the upcoming generation.
- In December 2020, nearly 56% of schools adopted a hybrid model, 29% offered in-person instruction, and 15% ran remotely.
- While only 47.8% of participants believed that online education is better than offline. The margin seems very small with 52.2% of participants leaning towards offline education.
- 75% of college students and their families preferred in-person-only or hybrid learning next semester.
Both online and offline learning has specific pros and cons. Some learners favored interactive and visual methods and others chose face-to-face training over online training. Even though online learning has benefited us, it will never replace classroom education completely. Click here to Know More
Online Education in India
Devising traditional classroom teaching, myriad platforms have stepped forward to provide education through an online mode. Referred to as Learning Management Systems, these platforms deliver courses with similar syllabi but different teaching methodologies. Apart from the websites, many mobile-based applications provide online education at their fingertips.
In recent times, online learning has become more of a need than a choice. It is because of the cutthroat competition in every sector that demands professionals to stay on their toes. Hence the necessity arises to do certifications or other forms of courses. Here, the enrolled students are provided with the study materials in either downloadable or viewable forms thus making the process of learning easy and accessible.
Apart from theoretical knowledge, what about practical knowledge? Likewise, an online internship can help you forward your vocation and get that corner office you’ve had your eye on. Firms are offering online internship programs where students can apply their theory to practicals via an internship. So whether you’re influenced by energy or aspiration, do not give these open doors a chance to roll by. Moreover, developing skills at your own pace is one of the significant advantages that online education is offering nowadays.
Future of Online Education in India 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a tremendous shift to online education. This shift seems to be becoming endless as E-learning is believed to be the future. Thereby employing Artificial Intelligence in the field of online education will boost the entire infrastructure of education in India. Hence online education has gained global popularity and is considered a refinement in the field of education that can recast students’ lives. Seeking education online through different sources has become common among students, working professionals, housewives, and senior citizens as it eliminates physical presence at a university or a college.
Further, with technology reaching sky-high levels, learners can now educate themselves by watching lessons, reading e-books, and participating in online discussions. Simultaneously it enables students to learn better but would also increase the career opportunities in the country. However, the world is very new to full-time classroom experiences being shifted to a computer screen. Much work is demanded to be done to bring forth the full potential that online learning can achieve.
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